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Sunday, December 12, 2004

Lemon Cookies & Punch

Welcome, kind citizen, to my first bloughts :)
1. Arsenal FC vs. Chelsea FC
We have suffered injuries and some serious drops in form as of late... it'd be nice to creep into the new year at -2 off the pace but win, lose, or draw, the season isn't riding on the outcome. Let's just pretend that God is plotting against us and we fall at Highbury on Sunday. we'll drop to 3rd place at -8 off the pace. Were this March, I'd be in ICU recovering from my 3rd stroke. But rejoice, rejoice! It's December and anyone who says we can't make up 8 points in 5 months ought to be put away. That, or they need a job at ESPN - where doom, gloom, and trashing great institutions of sport is the stock-in-trade. As Sol Campbel recently said, "It’s a marathon, not a sprint. And who knows if they can last the pace?" Thanks for being diplomatic Sol but they can't. This is a big game, don't get me wrong - every game, when seeking the title, is. But Sunday is about pride, it's about owning London, and it's about showing the football world, Maurinho, and Abramovich that only George Steinbrenner can buy championships. The Big Stein is also the only idiot in the world that stacks up on old-balls, pudgy , worthless, 8th rate, right-handed pitchers that deserve to be playing for the Royals.. but i digress.

Prediction: Gooners 3, Blue Cash Whores 2
Man of the Match: Thierry Henry - 2 goals and game-winner

2. Notre Dame Hires Charlie Weis.
More on this in coming days but I'd like to say, Thank God and Welcome Coach
Weis. I expect the shakedown of thunder to begin, starting...................... NOW!

What the hell is going on with Notre Dame basketball?
A choke job to a horrible Fichigan team and now a loss to DePaul. now I'll give DPU some credit. we ran into a buzzsaw yesterday that shot nearly 60% from the field. But damn!! Is it too much to ask not to play like complete ass against teams we're supposed to whoop up on? My unbiased suggestions: Replace Cornette with Falls and Francis with Cornett. That's right boys and girls. Bold moves from the Flash. Leave Latimore where he is - the rust will come off. Slap around Chris Quinn... that guy hasn't shown up for a big game yet. And CT... well... whatever.