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Monday, December 13, 2004

Squalls and V-dubs

So weather.com says snow squalls for us here in the Bend. I can't say that I actually know what a snow squall is... I did, however, see that horribly abysmal yet extremely well cast White Squall .. replace Robin Williams with Jeff Bridges and you've got the Dead Poets Society of the high seas. riveting drama. life lessons. love. mmmm. But i digress. upon giving this movie further mental review, I think everybody died in the end. I hope these impending snow squalls aren't anything like that.....

In other news.. it appears 21st Century hippies are, in fact,
go for take-off.

When i was but a youngin, i had dreams of taking a VW Microbus cross-country on a whirlwind adventure of Route 66, the PCH, and every Ben & Jerry's in between. Me and my psychedelic rolling palace of love would stop off at communes for s'mores and singalongs and such.. I'd ponder life, write poetry, and maybe, just maybe, get interested in the world of the ganja. but i guess that's no longer a possibility. From the looks of this badboy, it'll shoot out those tent wings and fly me to Mars.. which, well, may not be so awful. I'd be taller than everyone and they'd make me their queen.