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Monday, December 13, 2004

Time to Get Nasty

"I can tell you this. You’re going to have a hard-working, intelligent, nasty football team that goes on the football field because the attitude of the head coach will be permeated through the players.” - Coach Charlie Weis

Coach Charlie Weis descended on the Bend last night and with him came a new commitment to excellence not seen around these parts for more than a decade. There was a time when I was worried about this hire. Maybe Weis was simply the beast master of X's and O's... Some type of strategizing genius that would only showcase his skills between Sunday - Friday on that formidable gridiron known as the chalkboard. Watch out - that chalkdust is hard to get off your fingers! But alas (and this is a good alas!), over the last few days, I've warmed to this decision. Coach Weis isn't a a poor man's Mike Martz. Sure, he isn't a smug, sarcastic fathead but it's more than that. Coach Weis is, dare I say, the best mind and one of the best teachers, in the NFL today. He's cocky, he's intelligent, and he's going to turn this team into the nastiest bunch of sumbitches this side of the Atlantic.