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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Is Mike Golic On Curb Your Enthusiasm?

I hate sports radio... well, not all of it. I really like The Tony Bruno Show and try to listen to at least a bit of it each day. And there's a show featuring a manic loonie from LA that's growing on me as well. I'm not really sure if Petros Papadakis always knows what he's talking about but I'm fairly certain that if I keep listening in, at any moment, there'll be dead air and someone will reveal that the guy just went down after a 2-hour PCP freakout. But for the rest of the shows on the radio, I do my best to stay away. I also fail miserably... because I'm a mindless boob.

What irritates me about sports radio is if you catch the 6 AM run of SportsCenter or Headline News, you'll know the topics on the queue of any major radio program. Why do I really need to listen in? Is it for the opinions? If you can hang in an extra 2 hours for Cold Pizza, you get a heads up on the two schools of thought for the day. I understand that these hosts are catering to an audience but they act as if there are only two ways to think.. and for those ways of thinking, there are specific shows for you: if you like your host to harp on the agreed upon "sportsnation take" until listeners start driving off bridges, maybe Dan Patrick is your show. If you dig ratings-driven contrarianism, Colin Cowherd could be your man (you types probably read a Skip Bayless article at the same time). If you're down with dead air, hoover-like fellatio on coaches and athletes, and listeners whose rants sound like Randall from Clerks, then Rome is for you. Beyond those basics, it's style over substance nonsense where the host - whose crankhead delivery is topped with banal Stu-Scottisms - spends the majority of his airtime pandering to the chimp-like listeners who believe the main problem with the Lakers is that Kobe shoots too much. So it came as a surprise to me that I recently started seeking out Mike and Mike in the Morning. Whenever I see advertisements for their show or hear them on the radio, I can't do anything but think about Curb Your Enthusiasm. I don't even know if the two men look alike but I can't shake the image that Mike Golic is actually Jeff Green - Larry David's manager - in disguise. Whenever he speaks, all I can hear is Curb's theme music and Jeff's wife Suzie screaming crazy profanities at everyone. "Fuck you, Larry! Get the fuck out of my house, Larry! Fuck you and fuck your tea! You four-eyed fuck! You fuck! You fat fuck! And you bald piece of shit! Where's the fucking head?" I even see Oscar, the Greene's corpse-sniffing dog chasing down intruders and watching Jeff and Larry get involved in situations. I can't get through 10 goddamn minutes of that crapjack radio show before I'm tracking down Curb episode recaps on the internet. I remember when Notre Dame fired Tyrone Willingham and Mike Golic through his alma mater under the bus. "What a Fredo," I thought. "What a shame." I haven't really cared for him since but now that I'm plagued by Jeff Greene images, I don't find the guy so offensive! Christ, I'm even starting to like him, as all I can see when Golic comes to mind is braindead, long-suffering Jeff having a sandwich while awaiting his wife's next attack.

It just doesn't make sense :(